Abstract Details - Yu He

Evidence for ‘pure’ d-wave superconductivity in extremely overdoped BiSr2CaCu2O8+δ
Presenter Yu He
Presentation Type Poster
Full Author List Yu He, Makoto Hashimoto, Dongjoon Song, Benjamin Nosarzewski, Sudi Chen, Alfred Zong, Yoshiyuki Yoshida, Hiroshi Eisaki

Stanford University


Recent advancement in High Tc cuprate superconductor research has elucidated strong interaction between superconductivity and competing orders. Therefore, the mechanism behind the 'pure' d-wave superconducting behavior becomes the next stepping stone to further the understanding. We have performed photoemission study on extremely overdoped Bi2212 single crystal synthesized via high pressure method. In this regime, we demonstrate the much reduced superconducting gap and the absence of pseudogap. Clear gap shifted bosonic mode coupling is observed throughout the entire Brillouin zone. Via full Eliashberg treatment, we find the electron-phonon coupling strength capable of producing a transition temperature very close to Tc. This potentially implies bosonic contribution to cuprate superconductivity's pairing glue.