Abstract Details 3

SESAME; A third generation light source for the Middle East and a Model Project for other regions
Abstract ID 3
Presenter Herman Winick
Presentation Type Poster
Full Author List Herman Winick
Affiliations SSRL
Abstract Modeled on CERN and under the auspices of UNESCO, nine Middle East countries (Bahrain, Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Pakistan, Palestinian Authority, and Turkey) are collaborating to construct a light source in Jordan.  With the recent identification of the remaining capital funds to complete the project, SESAME is now on track to start commissioning in late 2015.  UNESCO became the umbrella organization for SESAME at its Executive Board 164th session, May 2002. The following comments about SESAME were made by this board: "a quintessential UNESCO project combining capacity building with vital peace-building through science'' and "a model project for other regions''.  The history and present status of SESAME will be presented.  Now that SESAME is well underway, other regions (e.g.; Africa and Central Asia) should be made aware of this progress, and they should be welcomed to join SESAME as a first step in developing similar projects in their region.  For more on SESAME see:









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