Abstract Details 29

cPix2: a photon counting front-end ASICs for high repetition rate pump probe experiments
Abstract ID 29
Presenter Angelo Dragone
Presentation Type Poster
Full Author List A. Dragone, P. Caragiulo, B. Markovic, V. Barry, B. Murmann, S. Herrmann, G. A. Carini, C. Kenney, G. Haller
Affiliations SLAC
Abstract Response of a material to external stimulus (properties and behavior) is intimately tied to the interaction between its electronic and atomic structure (or molecular arrangement). A powerful way of exploring this coupling is to push the system off equilibrium by a strong external stimulus (pump) and probe its structure and response as it cascades back to equilibrium. To enable pump probe experiment at high repetition rate SLAC is developing a new photon-counting hybrid pixel detector, with MHz counting capabilities. The core functionalities of the device are implemented in ASIC whose architecture is here presented. cPix2 ASIC is optimized to meet repetition rate requirements of SSRL and APS. It has 100µmx100µm pixels arranged in a 176x192 matrix. It has two 14-bit counters per pixel, a dual threshold comparator, processing time of 100ns, counting rate of at least 1.28MHz and a readout dead time of less than 3ms. In contrast to existing photon counters like Pilatus or Medipix2, the proposed detector will be able to count faster and, more importantly, store two different full resolution images in two separate counters.
Funding Acknowledgement