Abstract Details 28

Fluorescence spectroscopy of proteins in vacuum
Abstract ID 28
Presenter Kerstin Muehlig
Presentation Type Poster
Full Author List Kerstin Muehlig, Jakob Andreasson, Asawari Rath, Johan Bielecki, Martin Svenda, Janos Hajdu
Affiliations Uppsala University, SLAC

The femtosecond Coherent X-ray Diffraction Image (CXDI) technique can employ a ‘diffraction before destruction’ principle. An ultrafast and extremely intense X-ray beam of a free electron laser probes a biological sample. Biological samples (e.g. viruses, organelles, entire cells or single macromolecules) are injected into a high vacuum chamber and shortly thereafter exposed to a bright coherent X-ray pulse. The diffraction images can be acquired before radiation damage occurs. We aim to characterize and control bio-samples during the sample injection process to confirm their structural integrity during the diffraction measurement. The optical properties of fluorescent proteins are a sensitive indicator of their conformational state. We therefore measure fluorescence in vacuum from proteins injected into a high vacuum environment. The results show that the proteins are fluorescent in flight at the interaction region where they would be imaged in a CXDI experiment. In the present experiments the fluorescence was measured from multiple proteins in each aerosol droplet. In future experiments we will pursue the single molecule limit.

Funding Acknowledgement